The way we handle your personal data and information is a priority aspect of our mission.

Data privacy

Data privacy

What information is not shared with the Requesting User?

  • Your SIN (Social Insurance Number)
  • Your cultural/ethnic background
  • Your gender
  • Your education
  • Your bank details
  • Your family situation
  • Your education
  • The number of dependents

Will you sell my data to a third party?

No, we do not sell your data to any third parties. Your personal information is only used for the purpose of the verification request for which you have given your consent. Therefore, your data is protected and exchanged in accordance with our compliance standards.

Will the Requesting user have access to my banking information?

No, the Sender will not have access to your bank details.

If you want to see how your information are displayed, you can download our fake report.

Download the fake report

Data security

Data security

Could you give me further details about the security procedures regarding my data?

Our infrastructure is built on robust platforms from reputable large companies. We also conduct thorough security tests, including third-party audits, to ensure the highest level of security.

Your sensitive information shared with Trustii is securely stored in our fully encrypted database using the highly secure AES-256 protocol. Additionally, all data “in transit” on our application is encrypted end-to-end using HTTPS with 256-bit encryption. We implement HTTPS across all our services using TLS 1.2 and newer versions, employing only modern encryption algorithms. This ensures that HTTPS is always used to secure your data.

How can I be sure that my banking information is secure?

Please refer to the security page of our financial data aggregator, Flinks, to learn more about their certifications in personal information security as well as their procedures.

Data usage

Data usage

How does Trustii use my data?

We use your data in two main ways:

  1. To establish your application. The data collected for this purpose is presented in a report and is displayed in two different ways:
    • Full display of information (information is shared in textual form).
    • Weighted display of information (information is shared with schematic indicators).
  2. For research purposes. We strive to provide results that are as accurate and fair as possible. Your information is collected anonymously to strengthen our database and improve the accuracy of our results. Your identity is in no way linked to the collected information.

What does a typical report look like?

Click here to see a sample report.

Why are you asking for my social insurance number?

Providing your Social Insurance Number (SIN) increases the likelihood of accessing your Equifax® credit file. Additionally, your SIN is encrypted and does not appear on the report provided to the Requesting User.

You can review a fake report to better understand how information is shared.

Download the fake report

Why do I need to connect my bank?

The banking connection step can raise some questions. Trustii uses this method to authenticate you and validate certain information such as your ability to repay your debts or pay the requested rent.

This method is much more secure because the exchange takes place on a secure and encrypted platform that allows the transmission and archiving of banking, credit, and personal information. This eliminates the need to send bank statements, pay stubs, T4 forms, driver’s licenses, or social insurance numbers (NAS) via email, for example, or to enter this information on a paper form that could get lost or pass through different hands.

Furthermore, authentication by a banking institution adds data for cross-validation from multiple sources. For example, examining data from credit files and financial information ensures the reliability of the information used in the analysis. This helps reduce biases and potential errors associated with a single source of information.

Finally, Trustii uses Flinks as its banking connection provider. Flinks is a subsidiary of the National Bank of Canada that adheres to the highest standards of data security. You can find more information on their website: Flinks Security Page.

In summary, authentication by a banking institution allows:

  • Accelerating your application.
  • Mitigating subjective interpretation of your financial profile.
  • Securing your personal information.

Trustii guarantees:

  • Your money is protected and not accessible.
  • Your transaction history is not accessible.
  • Your account is secure, and the temporary connection ends after submitting your form.

How does Trustii reduce subjectivity in interpreting results?

The Trustii solution mitigates subjectivity in interpreting results in various ways.

  • Trustii utilizes algorithms and machine learning models to analyze data objectively, based on predefined criteria and verified and validated information.


  • Trustii integrates cross-validation and source verification processes, such as reviewing data from credit reports and financial information, to ensure the reliability of the information used in the analysis. This helps reduce biases and potential errors associated with a single source of information.


  • Trustii applies advanced statistical methods to normalize and compare data consistently. This helps eliminate subjective distortions that may arise from human interpretation.

Will my credit score be affected by a credit check?

Your credit score will not be affected if the credit check is performed as part of a pre-employment or pre-rental screening. However, if the credit check is conducted to assess your creditworthiness for a loan application, it may impact your credit score.

Do you have more questions?

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